School Opening Times
The school day starts at 8:45 am for all pupils in Reception to Year 2 and finishes at 3:25pm.
Our classroom doors open at 8:40am, to ensure that we start the day ready and on time. Once the classroom door closes at 8:50am, you will need to go to the school office & sign your child in.
Reporting Absence
At Falconer’s Hill Infant School we work hard to minimise our rate of unauthorised absences. If a child is absent from school, parents/carers should contact the school and inform us by 9am either by telephone or email. For the safety of your child, if we have not received any communication by 9:15am, we will contact you using the contact details on the school records. Therefore, please make sure the school office have your correct details, particularly mobile phone numbers, as these change more often.
The school’s attendance target is 97%. All children whose attendance falls below 90% will automatically be referred to our Attendance Officer. There is a great deal of current research regarding achievement which clearly shows that even quite low levels of absence have a negative impact on learning.
Thank you for your support.